Ostatnio nie dodaje zbyt wiele, bo nie mam czasu, ani na gotowanie ani na blogowanie 🙂
But here I am 🙂
Dziś wyśmienite pieczarkowe poduszeczki.
Oczywiście inne grzyby są lepsze, ale ja i tak uwielbiam pieczary 🙂
Ciasto jak na pizze, ale podwoiłam ilość drożdży..
So let the show begin 🙂
1 cup (250ml) flour
40g fresh yeast
1 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon sugar
1/3 cup warm milk
1 egg yolk
Dough must be knead thoroulghly until it creates consistent mass. Then leave it in a warm place to swell…
400g of champignon mushrooms
big onion
tablespoon of butter
2 cloves of garlic
herbs de provence
10 g of grated cheese
Onion, champignon sherd, garlic smash and shimmer on melted butter ( be careful not to burn it!!)
Dough form in small dumplings and stuff them with mushrooms.
Bake in hot oven until they are golden coloured.
Morvellous hot and cold 🙂
Great for party 🙂